Dra. Cintia Mejía García
Dra. Cintia Mejía García
- Surgeon. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology. Universidad Veracruzana (UV)
- Human Reproductive Biology subspecialty. UNAM.
- Master Degree in Healthcare Management. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España (UNIR)
- Certified and Recertified by the Colegio Mexicano de Ginecología y Obstetricia (COMEGO)
- Asociación Mexicana de Medicina de la Reproducción (AMMR) Active Member.
- Residency in Clínica Vistahermosa’s Reproductive Medicine Unit, Alicante España (UR Group).
- Valedictorian on the PEC ON LINE Test by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction (REDLARA).
- Fertility Donation and Preservation Program Director in UR Crea Medicina Reproductiva, Mexico City.
- Author and Co-author of various medical publications like Clinical practice guidelines and other scientific articles.