Menopause clinic

During ovulation, women produce essential feminine hormones that regulate how all the cells in their body work.
When the ovulation period is over, around 44 to 45 years old (Mexican women), the production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, altering the hormonal equilibrium. This process, known as menopause, causes significant physical and psychological changes.
The decrease of feminine hormones affects the calcium fixation in the bones, making them fragile and porous.
Cardiovascular diseases
Low estrogens and progesterone increases the risk of obstruction of the heart and arteries, which can elevate the risk of having a cardiovascular disease.
Weigh gain
The hormonal changes cause muscle loss and increases body fat. Which, in addition to lack of exercise, can lead to weight gain.
Physical and emotional symptoms
Headaches, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, low sex drive, irritability, anxiety and depression are common. 10% of women barely feel these changes, 80% have intense symptoms and the las 10% experience extreme symptoms.
Saddle, many women are not well informed about these important changes that suggest that this part of their life is beginning.